
DB6 Data

Title Age Gender Handedness Height Weight Forearm Circumference Forearm Length Pre-Processed Files Pre-Processed Files_b
1 25 Female Right 164 48 22.00 21.00
2 27 Female Right 180 64 22.00 23.00
3 31 Male Ambidextrous 175 88 31.00 22.50
4 26 Male Right 182 60 26.00 24.50
5 27 Male Right 185 87 30.50 24.50
6 36 Male Right 170 73 28.00 24.00
7 22 Female Right 171 72 27.50 24.00
8 25 Male Right 173 69 25.00 24.00
9 21 Male Right 183 60 26.00 24.50
10 21 Male Right 172 63 26.50 23.00

DB6 Guidelines


The main goal of this dataset is to help the scientific community in studying repeatibility of sEMG classification of hand grasps.


The dataset is described in detail in the following scientific paper.
Please, refer to it for detailed guidelines and cite it in case you use this dataset.



10 intact subjects.

Acquisition Setup

  • DELL Latitude E5520: the laptop used to perform the data acquisitions and to record the data.
  • Tobii Pro Glasses II: a wearable eye tracking system used to record the eye movements and field of view.
  • 14 Delsys Trigno double differential sEMG Wireless electrodes: used to record the muscular activity of the forearm.
    The electrodes are equally space around the forearm. The first eight at the height of the radio humeral joint, the remaining 6 below. The electrodes were fixed on the forearm using their standard adhesive bands. Moreover, a hypoallergenic elastic latex free band was placed around the electrodes to keep them fixed during the acquisition. The sEMG signals are sampled at a rate of 2 kHz.
  • Acquisition Protocol

    The data are recorded from 10 intact subjects repeating 7 grasps 12 times, twice a day for 5 days.
    The names are coded as follows:myoelectric and inertial measurements
    Subject: 1
    Day: 1
    Time of the day: 1 (morning, while 2 is afternoon)

    The acquisition protocol is an evolution of the acquisition protocol used to record the previous Ninapro datasets. The researcher explains the experiment to the subject, asks him to respond to a few questions (including age, gender, height, weight and laterality) and measures the length (wrist to elbow) and circumference of the subject forearm. Then, the researcher explains the experiment to the subject. The subject sits in front of a table with the forearm leaning on it. The experiment consists of 12 repetitions of 7 grasps performed on a set of 14 objects. The set of hand grasps (figure below) was chosen from the robotics and rehabilitation literature with the goal of covering several hand movements exploited in activities of daily living (ADL). The grasp to be performed is shown to the subject with two videos (in first and third person perspective). Afterwards, a set of audio commands explains the subject the task to be performed (i.e. grasping the object, releasing the object and returning to the rest position). While performing the experiment, a fixed image representing the grasp is shown on the screen of the laptop. The number of repetitions is equally distributed among two objects. Each repetition lasts for 4 seconds and is followed by 4 seconds of rest. The data recorded from each subject are uploaded to Ninaweb and publicly available as the 6th Ninapro dataset 3 .

    Dataset variables

    For each exercise, for each subject, the database contains one matlab file with synchronized variables. The variables included in the matlab files are:

    Acquisition procedure. The subjects are asked to mimic movies of movement shown on the screen of the laptop. sEMG signal is recorded with 10 electrodes (red, blue; the electrode on the flexor digitorum superficialis and part of the equally spaced electrodes are not represented due to perspective reasons).

    Hand movements.