
DB4 Data

Subject Handedness Gender Age Height Weight zip files
01 Right Female 29 169 58
02 Right Male 27 185 78
03 Right Male 30 189 86
04 Right Female 54 174 65
05 Left Female 20 176 65
06 Right Male 25 180 73
07 Left Male 30 174 68
08 Right Male 23 186 67
09 Right Female 31 167 63
10 Right Male 27 183 67

DB4 Guidelines


This Ninapro dataset includes sEMG and kinematic data from 10 intact subjects while repeating 52 hand movements plus the rest position.


The dataset is described in detail in the following scientific paper.
Please, refer to it for detailed guidelines and cite it in case you use this dataset.



10 intact subjects.

Acquisition Setup

The sEMG data are acquired using 12 Cometa electrodes. The sEMG signals are sampled at a rate of 2 kHz.

Acquisition Protocol

The dataset includes 6 repetitions of 52 different movements.
The subjects are asked to repeat movements which were shown as movies on the screen of a laptop.
During the acquisition, the subjects were asked to repeat the movements with the right hand.
Each movement repetition lasted approximatively 5 seconds and was followed by 3 seconds of rest.

The experiment is divided in three exercises:

  1. Basic movements of the fingers.
  2. Isometric, isotonic hand configurations and basic wrist movements.
  3. Grasping and functional movements.

Dataset variables

For each exercise, for each subject, the database contains one matlab file with synchronized variables. The variables included in the matlab files are:

Acquisition procedure. The subjects are asked to mimic movies of movement shown on the screen of the laptop. sEMG signal is recorded with 10 electrodes (red, blue; the electrode on the flexor digitorum superficialis and part of the equally spaced electrodes are not represented due to perspective reasons).

Hand movements. Performed exercises: A, B, C.

Cyberglove sensors location.